Thursday, August 26, 2010

Treat traditions and peeling palms

19 August, 2010
Having roommates makes life in Honduras 100% better. Our morning at the school was fairly uneventful—I mostly just worked on cutting and coloring my homemade numbers. We went out for lunch with Miss Myla and two girls from the school. While we waited for our freshly made pupusas to be ready, Dawnelle, Darcia, and I tried a banana Tropical soda. The refreshing sugary drink gave us the boost we needed to wait for lunch. When our meal was ready at last, we decided to head home to enjoy it. On the way Miss Myla bought cheese out of the back of a truck. We still needed cheese, so I bought some too. Though I do wonder about the general lack of refrigeration, it tastes wonderful!
After school we went to La Colonial grocery store. The prices were way lower than Jumbo. We’re excited to visit the market on Sunday, but I think La Colonial will have lots of business from us. We are so excited to get gas for our stove so we can start cooking (hopefully tomorrow!). After unloading the groceries onto the table, we went out for baleadas again. Baleadas have been my supper the last three nights in a row. The avocado one is my favorite! So yummy. This time we got two and split them three ways. We shared a Senorita pastry for dessert. The caramel goodness was too sweet to eat much of, but such a yummy treat! We decided to make Thursday night “Treat Night”. Our first tradition has begun.
The furious cleaning of yesterday took a toll on my hands. Peeling skin covers my palms and fingers. No bueno. I tried coating them in oil, lots of lotion, Vaseline. Tonight I sleep with Vaseline and sock covered hands. Don’t worry. Today we bought Palmolive. The local scrub is a bit hard on the hands apparently. There is still so much cleaning to do! Yesterday I finished half the kitchen and all the kitchen walls, but it just feels insignificant when I see what’s left. Not to say that the house is too dirty—just spider webs and such. However, I am a deep-cleansing kind of cleaner. We’re going to work on it a little tomorrow and more on Sunday.
Steven and I celebrate our nine month anniversary today! So far apart, but so close in heart. I can’t wait until our Skype date on Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Emily: I'm enjoying reading your blog. It brings back some fond, and some not so fond (think big spider in the bathtub) memories from my own SM days in Zimbabwe many years ago. I work now as a safety manager, and want to urge you to splurge on some rubber gloves for all of you to wear. Those chemicals will possibly be more harmful to you than any of the bugs that crawl in--and longer lasting. Be careful about the sprays, too; don't breathe the fumes. I'll be praying for a successful, wonderful year for you and your roommates.
