Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sabado en Siguatepeque

Sabbath morning of the 30th, we all piled in a bus to drive to Siguatepeque.  Our youth church was helping with Sabbath school and doing the church and afternoon programs for one of the Adventist churches there.

After we had our girls' pic, the boys wanted in too.

They wanted a boys' picture too, but Kadian wasn't quite ready to give up the spotlight.

A little pestering sent her on her way...

And the boys got their picture.

Then all the girls in purples and pinks wanted a picture. But Paul was in the way.

Finally they got it, even if David is in the background. lol

Then everyone in blacks & browns..By this time, I realized that these people are very picture-happy. Which works well for me, but I was rather amazed at the extent. P.S. I am definitely not posting all the pictures that were taken, because it's about four times all these!

Kathy & Paul. Notice her super cute shoes :)

Edward & Gabby. They have been dating for over 2 years & they're so cute!

The view from the church.

The road leading up to the church. Needless to say, it was a bumpy ride.

Little Miss Lollipop, a bit impatient while waiting on our ride. lol

The sky was epically blue--the camera couldn't truly capture it.

One of the many scrawny dogs wandering the Honduran streets. It's actually rare to see a well groomed healthy looking dog. In third world countries, animals kind of loose priority.

Cia & Effie

Kadian perched in the back of the truck, hanging on for dear life.

Some construction. I don't think they have much machinery around here. I see a lot of work done by hand.

Busy street side

Cue creepy music for THE BIRDS...

Random bull.

Seriously creepy moment.

This is where the elves live, according to one of my friends. lol

Hanging around the park


lol. She interrupted their cute moments at least two or three times.

Dandelion fun

Okay, so we decided that these next few pictures perfectly capture Effie's personality.


So happy :)


Kathy and Paul having fun :)

So beautiful

Posing pretty

Bibi (Brittany)

Kathy & I getting a picture after our wonderful teeter-totter adventure. Those things were not as sturdy as they appeared! After about 30 seconds, I was perched on the high end when I suddenly lost my balance. Yes, I know teeter-tottering in a skirt probably wasn't the wisest choice to begin with. Paul head a "whish!" and turned around to see me lying on the grass. I don't know who was most surprised. Thankfully, no one was really watching my unlady-like landing. I got right back on (the other, safer side of the teeter totter).

Our cute tree picture.

Their even cuter tree picture. I decided that since I can't have any cute couple pictures with Steven this year, I might as well take lots for the couples here :).


Effie, Cia, & Kadian--the glamor shot.

I LOVE this picture. Whenever I'm having a bad day--I'll just look at this.

Effie, Emily, & Kadian

Our silly picture =]

My cute little purple flower!


Edward & Gabby

Group picture

Not very many people got the memo that this was supposed to be a "fun" picture lol

James was crying. I'm pretty sure he didn't have a good reason, since no one was really trying to comfort him. I think it comes from working with preschoolers so much--tears don't phase me much anymore.

The other two trucks loading back up to go back to the church for the afternoon program.

Dusty Honduran road

'Hm,' I thought, scooting into the bed of the truck a little further, 'we sure were close to that other vehicle. I hope the side mirror doesn't get hit' (goes to look at the driver's side mirror) 'Oh, no worries. There isn't one there.'
a broken down old truck

I don't know why, but this little old truck stood out to me. I think it has personality, looks like something that should be in the movie Cars. :)

Back at the church  


  1. Enjoying all your pictures.
    Love Mom

  2. These make me wonder, "What will we see? How will it compare to Korea?" We are so excited!
    Aunt SAndy
