Monday, January 24, 2011

If you didn't read Good Morning Union last Sabbath...

You don't want to miss this.

 If you're not from Union, just omit that part as you read it. If you're a boy, well I'm sure you can figure the appropriate changes to make there as well. I hope you read this, because I have truly gained a blessing from it. I think you will to.

Here it is:

PS And now, a story, written by one of our students here at Union just last semester, based on the messages to the 7 churches in Revelation and personalize to her and her school family. Enjoy and be blessed by the “letter” to YOU from God through her. The only thing I have deleted, and replaced with {} is the name because she might be embarassed to be revealed as the gifted one!

My Revelation
My dear {}, do not be afraid. I Am your Beginning, your End. So much of what’s in between is hard for you to understand, but know this; to know Me is enough.
Let’s talk.

To My daughter at Union College:
You try hard; to do good things and to be patient. But in trying to be good and patient towards others, you’ve forgotten Me. At some point, you loved Me because you believed I would give you everything you needed. Now you are unsure and look elsewhere. Listen to Me. From Eternal life to the very hunger in your stomach, I will give you what you need. Stay with Me and I will be everything you need.

To My beloved at Union College:
You go through a lot; no one has asked you to lay down your life but you’ve made your share of sacrifices just like everyone else. But I need to tell you that it may not get easier. Please don’t be afraid, even if you are asked to give your life of happiness that you planned and hoped so hard for. Listen to Me {}, because I promise you that I have a life of happiness beyond what you could ever plan or hope for. But you must continue to endure and let these things happen to you without letting go of My hand. Stay with Me and I will be the Life that you need.

To My child at Union College:
You have never been unwilling to speak My name; except when you are afraid of what you have done. You have sinned, {}, you are not perfect. When you tell sin that he only gets a drop, you end up handing him a gallon. And then you try to compensate and refill yourself by absorbing as much Bible as you can. But can you really wrap your head around what you are reading? Is 20 minutes today enough to make you forget what you did yesterday? I do not hate you, I could never hate you. But I hate the things you do to Me. Listen, My Word is like manna; you only get as much as you need for today, you only understand as much as you can handle. And the person you are now doesn’t feel like she can understand anything I have to say. But stay with Me, and I will turn you into the person we both want you to be and I will give you sweet food from Heaven to fill you with what you need.

To My servant at Union College:
Your service to Me has been growing; but remember that I look deeper than the things you’ve done. Even when your actions speak My name, your heart reads another’s. We are getting close to something big here. If you listen and hear what I’m saying to you, you will see how important it is that you make room for only Me in your heart.  If you need to confess, I will listen. If you need forgiveness, it’s yours to have. I ask these things of you so that I can give you more. Stay with Me, give your heart completely to Me, so that I can share with you My power that you will need.

To My sister at Union College:
You have been dying; but your life is far from complete. I know you are tired and want nothing but to rest, but now is when you need to be alert! Wake up, {}! Do not take your eyes off of Me because the moment you do is the moment things will begin to go wrong. You will fall behind until you are dragging yourself in the dust and no one can see Me through the filth that coats your appearance. Listen to what I’m trying to tell you; I have a garment of light to wrap you in so you can be safe and warm and so that people will see My reflection when they look at you. We don’t have guest books in Heaven because when you come in, you are home. But there is a Book with a line for your name. Come and stay with Me. I will give you the renewal you need.

To My student at Union College:
You were in 5th grade when you first had to memorize them. There were Ten of them; four long ones, six one-liners. Do you remember? Yes, {}, you’ve failed, sometimes miserably, at keeping them. But you always held onto them inside of you because you knew that they meant that I still loved you. And I do. I have given you every opportunity and opened every door to bring you to the place you are now, so that you could stand for Me and be My example. So people can look at a sinner and see the name of Jesus written over her imperfections. Listen closely, because you need to know that you must keep standing. When you can no longer hold yourself erect, hang on to what you have learned about Me. Stay with what simple truths you have about Me and I will hold you up for as long as you need.

To My friend at Union College:
If you are still unsure, listen to this. Get off the fence. If you were frozen as stone or on fire for Me, I could complete you. But if your heart doesn’t even know it’s broken, where would the healing begin?  Whether you know it or not, I have the things you need; riches to sustain you, garments to cover and protect you, ointments to soothe your pain, light to open your eyes. I love you so much so I must tell you that what you’re trying isn’t working. It’s not enough to play it safe anymore. When I feel a passion for Me inside of you, I will want to come in and be with you. Then I will invite you to come home and be with Me. Stay with Me inside the fire, let Me refine you and burn you in the heat you need.
Remember, I Am your Beginning, your End. Everything in between still isn’t clear but know that knowing Me is enough. You have been My child through it all. I have so much to give to you so come and stay with Me and let Me be everything that you need.

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