Saturday, October 16, 2010

How Could You Not Love Them?

One of the three Alejandro's in my pre-k afternoon class. Alejandro Josue :)

The second Alejandro. This is the little boy that cried for the first two days straight. He is SO stinking cute, with the softest little face that makes a person realize why old people pink little kids' cheeks. He's so naughty sometimes, but he's so clever and adorable and absolutely lovable.

Natalie. A little shy, and pretty much a star student. She is a darling.

This is the little Emely that I have a special bond with. Can you believe her middle name is Nicol too? Kind of crazy. One of her last names starts with an "M" too! :)

Dina :)

I've never seen Alejandro cooperate so quickly. This kid loves the camera. He would automatically pose whenever he saw the camera lol.

The third and final Alejandro (M.) in my class. He is such a good little worker!

Mia is so precious!


Gerardo. Such a cutie.

Lili, such a sweetheart.

Henry. I can finally tell him and his twin brother apart! They are both so loving, even when they are trying to break my arm off with their super powerful high fives lol.

Alexandra. She just started a few days ago.

Cute little Juan (this one is for you, Anna!)   :)

Valeria Michelle :), such a good student.

Henry and Saul, very serious about their picture.

One of the many faces of Alejandro. This kid loves the camera...

I promise he wasn't mad. Great acting though! He would make faces for the camera. When he saw this one, he screamed and starting running around. lol

Gerardo, Juan, and Mia

Maria Elizabeth. She has a little sister in her class too, and they have the cutest hair things. (Surprised to see a little blond girl? I was too! Their dad is American)

Miss Jessica with some of her afternoon pre-k bunch.

Maria Fernanda. This week she kept trying to invite me over to her house :). So cute.


Mario before he realized that I was taking a picture and made me put my camera away. Kadian tutors him, so we've gotten to know him a little. This was right before I found out what a hit the cookies I made for Cia's class were. Apparently the kids want us to sell them! haha.

Fatima & Naomi. Fatima's mom owns the pulperia at the corner of the street our house is off of. I absolutely love Naomi's curls.

Dinora :)

Melvin. He just started 1st grade this week. The whole first day, I couldn't figure out his name. They pronounce it "Mel-bean" lol.

Miss Joline telling a story for chapel.

Kelly, Nahun, and Dinora. Just a few of the first graders :)   

Precious. Adorable. Loving. Affectionate. And of course a whole lot of energy and occasional trouble. On Thursday when we were getting ready to sing this song that requires you to bend down really small, Juan decided to tackle me with a hug. Chain reactions can be dangerous. Before I could blink, I had at least ten little pre-k kids all over me. I plopped completely down on the floor, I couldn't see even really see. The kids were all over me, even covering my face, hugging my neck and everywhere else they could reach. I was at a total loss. I hopelessly tried to ask them to sit down. No relief. Miss Rosita had to come over and literally pull a couple off and she scolded them in Spanish. They are so crazy sometimes! Rosita and I just look and each other and put of hands up to say, "Who knows?". This is just one of the many, many examples. I love them so much. Hearing "Meez Emelee!" makes my day. The prepa students each lunch outside under the new lunch table areas. When I make my way from first grade up to the teacher's room, I feel like a celebrity. They all scream my name, wave, and even try to run and hug me if I walk too close to them.
You know, from a outsider's perspective, it might seem like these kids have it all. We have a few kids from the Hogar and another orphanage, but most of them come from pretty well-off families. Talking with Miss Myla last night gave me a lot to think about though. While these kids may have material possessions, many of them have bigger problems at home than I can imagine. Broken homes, alcoholic family members, the horrible media influences, a desperate desire for attention and love--God isn't using me to help heal broken bones, but broken hearts. Sometimes I feel helpless when they don't understand what I'm saying, but a smile, excitement, a hug, and genuine care can always beat the language barrier.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the pictures. It helps me to connect with you when I see the faces of those that you are working with! Love is such a universal lanuage and one that is so easy to understand. That is one alnuage that did not get "confused" at Babel. Keep giving Em and God will keep giving to you! love Aunt Sandy
