Saturday, October 16, 2010

Independent Women.

 Usually we have our "little" brother Christian get water for us. However, after I helped him carry a jug the week before, this week I decided we could handle it on our own. It was already kind of late, and we didn't want to bother him, so Kadian and I set out with our two empty Agua Azul bottles. The nearest pulperia was out of water. Seriously? All their bottles were empty; thus, we headed on up the road to the next one. Thankfully, they had plenty of water, and we were able to get two new bottles. The guys standing around the shop looked somewhat amused as we picked up the bottles and started walking. Not long after, we were shifting the bottles around, trying to figure out the best and least painful way to carry them. Thanks be to God, we made it home without any serious damage to our shoulders lol. We proved that we are capable...but sometimes the smartest thing to do is ask for help.

Cooking has become an outlet for me. Whenever I start to miss someone, feel a little discouraged, or have too much time on my hands--I head for the kitchen. Whatever negative feelings I have disappear as cooking consumes my concentration and satisfaction eventually presides. However, on Friday I had a hard time motivating myself. Usually cooking is something I look forward to, and I love dreaming about new recipes to try. But Friday I set myself up for disappointment. All day went wonderfully, and all day I was looking forward to the end of the day when I would go to the post office and surely Steven's letter would be there. Since I started tutoring right after school last week, my only day to go to the post office is Fridays. Since I hadn't been able to go Wednesday or Thursday, I just knew it had to be there by Friday. I breezed in Friday afternoon and bought stamps to send a couple things. My hands shook a little as I pasted the stamps on (they tend to get a little shaky when I'm nervous). Then I went over to the other window and asked the ever fateful question, "Tiene una carta para mi?" (You have a letter for me?). "No, still nothing all day," the sweet round-faced lady at the post office replied (in Spanish) with a sympathetic shake of her head. I was so, so let down. It was a quiet walk back to the house, I think Kadian knew I wouldn't feel much like talking. When I got home I knew I should start our breakfast supper that we were all looking forward to, but I couldn't find the motivation. I curled up on my bed and just felt sad for a while. Finally I pulled myself up and beat off the pitiful "poor me" feelings. I took my frustration out while grating the potatoes for the hash browns, and by the end of cooking my sadness was a faint memory. I love that I am getting more experience cooking here! By the end of the year, I will have learned so much. The final result was delightful:

Homemade hash browns, coconut banana cream pancakes, coconut lime glaze, bananas, scrambled eggs, and all the toppings! Yum.


  1. OK forget the comments about your life. I want the recipe to the coconut banana cream pancakes with a coconut lime glaze. That sounds really good!

    Actually I do care about your life too. I know it's hard to wait for those letters, but they will come. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. I do so enjoy the pictures and the stories. You write a great blog.

  2. Hi Emmy, I am trying to post a comment. I am hoping that it will work. With my luck it won't and I will never be able to let you know that being independent rocks!
    Love Aunt Sandy

  3. I did it, I did it! I'm at Concordia and I think that I will be able to correspond with you, at least I hope I will! I tried at the high school today and the page would not let me post. Since that is the place I tried that one time and you didn't get any I will not try that again. I have left other responses to older blogs before this one so look at other ones. love Aunt sAndy
