Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Day a Dust Storm Went Through Our Bathroom

I got home late after one of the longest days I've yet to face. It looked like a dust storm had been through our bathroom rather than a repair man. Whatever he used to saw through our tile, it must have been seriously high powered. Every square inch of our bathroom was covered in dust. I'm so glad Kadian and I took everything out of the bathroom in the morning. It was so dusty I could write my name on the wall.

Dirty, dusty, everywhere

I got right to work. I scrubbed the entire bathroom from top to bottom. Twice.

Yep, that's dust.

What a mess

But as with most messes, a little hard work does the trick. Look at that shine :)

All nice and clean. Ready for my much needed shower.
Days like these make me extremely grateful that I have roommates. I can't imagine what I would have felt like if I would have had to fix supper after all this scrubbing.

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