Thursday, August 26, 2010

Que hora, internet, aqui. Atlast!

August 26th, 2010
After many ups & downs and a lot of awful broken Spanish on my part, today we smile. Our Intesa guys came only 45 minutes after they said they would which is practically early :). We were all SO excited to see them. I ran to grab my camera to take a picture through our lovely gates. Then someone else ran to stop them from going to the wrong house. Being the hospitable people that we are, we offered them some ice water and grapes. When they asked us for a name, Darcia started introducing all of us. Turns out they just wanted a name for our internet server! We couldn't settle on one, so they named it "Pretty girls" for us. Hm... lol. After they left I skyped Steven right away. It was so great to be able to see and talk to him for a little bit. He is leaving for the island of Jeh in a week, and then he won't have any phone or internet until he visits Majuro for Christmas.
Darcia and I cooked a delicious Italian supper tonight with our fresh produce from our Jumbo run tonight. Jumbo is the closest grocery store to our house. It's smaller and a little more expensive than the others, but we shop there when we run out of things since we still haven't fully figured out how to shop for our house yet. I can't believe tomorrow is already Friday! This week has flown by. I am excited for school to start, but I still have a lot of planning to finish. I will be teaching Bible classes to preschool, kindergarten, and preparatory classes. They each have two classes per grade so six classes in all. I'll be assisting another teacher during my free time. I am very excited to work with the little kids! It will be a challenge since a lot of them will not speak or understand much English. I am praying for wisdom, creativity, and a lot of patience.

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