Sunday, August 29, 2010

Several miles outside my comfort zone, lots of laughs, and other new

Top: David, Kathy, Paul, Gabby, Walter, Edward. Bottom: Nicole, Dawnelle, Darcia, Kadian, me
Most of these people were at the party, plus a few others :)

August 29th, 2010

The youth from the church was throwing us a welcome party at Kathy's house. They said 8 pm, so following Honduran time, our ride came around 9pm. Since I normally go to bed around 9:30pm, I was already pretty tired but girlishy excited for my first late night out! We had a blast playing Sin Palabras ("without words"). It is a charade type game where you can't make any sounds, only actions. Someone from a different team helped us SMs figure out what the words meant. All of mine were really easy to act out...until the game ended and we had to go through with the dare. The winning team (which Dawnelle & Darcia were on--lucky girls!) got to make up a dare for the two losing teams. They decided that we each had to try to break dance, individually, for ten seconds each. In the middle of the living room. While they took pictures and laughed. I don't know if any of you can sympathize, (forgive the stereotypes) but I am a very white Adventist girl with a type A personality and dancing is NOT something I do in front of people! lol. Mortified, all I could do was laugh uncontrollably. There was nothing we could do to get out of it. Finally after much hem hawing and failed attempts at starting, Kadian and I danced together for twenty seconds. When we were done relief slowing washed over me as I tried to calm my frazzled self. I just hope the pictures don't end up on facebook lol. Safely back in my comfort zone, I chowed down on some catrachitas (a yummy Honduran food, fried torilla, liquefied beans, and powdery cheese) and watched a funny movie. We had a really great time, and I think it helped me feel better about all I have to do today!

Today I have been working on decorations for my rooms and hand-washing clothes. We hope to get to the school soon, but we want to get as many of the decorations made and ready to go as possible. I needed a break from coloring so I decided to post a quick blog. I wish I would have brought more markers with me. We have all been using them and some of them weren't so great from the start. I think I'll pick some more up at the store soon. I am very thankful I brought some though. Dawnelle and Darcia stayed up until almost 5am this morning planning. I feel bad for the secondary teachers; I think they have a lot more work to do. Right now they are working on decorations. Paper trimmings and markers are all over their room, and they have stacks of beautiful decorations. Kadian and I are not so big on art, so we are struggling a bit more with the whole drawing thing. I think we will all breath a big sigh of relief when decorating is over today!

In other news, I found another worm in the shower today and destroyed it with cockroach spray. My flip flops are my best friend when I shower. We have a nice big lizard friend in our house today. I don't mind them so much though. Back to decorating!

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