Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cookie Confidence & Chicken Choices

Thursday I made cookies. No gasp of delighted surprise? Let me try again. On Thursday, I made my roommates their first-ever-homemade cookies! Can you believe it? I don't even know how many people had their first ever home baked cookie because I me. I brought some to school, gave some to our neighbors...I feel so privileged. However, to be quite honest, my cookie confidence was terribly shaken at the beginning. I had never baked cookies with a gas oven before. Our oven doesn't have temperatures written on the gauge. So I had to guess a lot. Despite the first tray turning out kind of crunchy and the last tray getting stuck because I didn't take them off right away, the cookies were a hit.

Did I mention that I made both oatmeal chocolate chip and vegan oatmeal raisin cookies? In a dinky little one rack gas oven? It took all afternoon. In the middle of the baking, I had to run to the store to buy two whole chickens. Yes, the life-long vegetarian went chicken shopping by herself. Great idea. First I went to the meat counter. They told me to go to the frozen food section. I looked in sheer confusion at the different kinds of chicken. Then I decided to look for matches instead. After wandering around for a while, I finally stumbled upon the matches. Back to the dreaded chicken choice. After some contemplation, I headed to the checkout stand to ask for help. In very broken Spanish I tried to explain "Soy vegetariano. Mis amigas quieren dos pollos eteros. Yo conozco nada." Which was supposed to mean, "I'm a vegetarian. My friends want two entire chickens. I don't know anything [about chicken]." The lady at the register looked at me, slightly bemused. The lady at the mini beauty/health counter came over to help me, her heavily lined and shadowed eyes smiling kindly as she directed me back to the frozen foods section. After some debate, I ended up with two large chickens. When I got home Cia was a little upset, because whole chickens are a pain to deal with. But Nelly said it was fine, and after all, that's what we had been asked to buy. We had been asked to bring chicken and plantains to a Panama night thing that Pastor Roy and Miss Norma invited us to. 

1 comment:

  1. A whole chicken? When you get home, I'll just let you come an dget one of mine! I sure hope that those cookies you made weren't as good as Toby's! I think that people over there are going to miss you a lot when it is time for you to come home!
