Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June, is that really You?

Well, my blogging has most definitely taken a nose dive since my computer charger went, but thankfully I have been journaling  pretty often to help keep track of the memories. I cannot believe June is here! I knew time had to keep moving and that after yesterday June would inevitably be upon us. But still. I´m having trouble wrapping my mind around it. June means brings so many realities...

For one, when I at last was able to talk with Steven yesterday (after talking to him for the first time in almost five months), goodbye did not feel so daunting. There is no longer a long amount of separation looming in the distance. In fact, we only have two more Sabbaths apart! My heart is full and overflowing with joy. This morning my reading through the Bible (which isn´t moving quite as quickly as planned, but I am making steady progress!) brought me towards the end of Proverbs. I once again read a verse that brought be hope way back in November. Proverbs 25:25 tells us, Like cold water to a weary soul, is good news from a distant land. How true indeed.

June also means the end of school. I still remember my first day. I didn´t know school was actually starting. It was just a meet the students kind of day, but I did not know they were going to be there until right before we left the house in the morning. I remember trying to talk to a classroom of kindergartners, and wondering how on earth I was going to teach them when they did not understand a word out of my mouth or sing with me. Now here we are. I feel success, contentment, and a undeniable tinge of sadness.

June means going home. June means change. June means a lot of goodbyes, and also a lot of hello´s. June means my heart is going to break,  yet finally be complete. June means leaving all that has become so familiar to return to what is supposed to feel normal. June will bring birthdays, weddings, parties, reunions. June will bring sad tears, and happy ones too. Oh June. I have been waiting for this month for so long, but I never thought it would come. Now that it´s here, I´m not sure what to say. Do I want it to hurry by? No. Although part of me cannot wait to be in that airport, I´m not quite ready yet. Part of me wonders if I´ll be ready when the time comes. But for right now, with school ending and Steven back in the modern world of communication and God as my guide, my heart cannot be anything but completely and utterly content.

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