Sunday, May 22, 2011

Skippy, And Not the Peanut Butter.

I mentioned quite a while back that I couldn't wait to tell you about our aerobics instructor. Well apparently that was a lie, but I sure waited. Haha. But here I am. We stopped going to dance class and switched to the aerobics class a couple months ago. At first we missed the fun aspect of dance class, especially Kadian, who is not such a big fan of things that feel like exercise. However, our instructor antics kept us smiling (especially me, because let's face it, I'm more of a giggler). Curious?

First of all, I'm not going to tell you his real name to, you know, protect his privacy. And because we never call him by it anyway. To us, he will always be "Skippy". I think we dubbed him this title even before we started going to his class. Since aerobics is right after dance class, sometimes we were there to see him gracefully skip across the room. Yes, he skips. He skips in a fashion that puts the daintiest nimblest nine year old girls to shame. It's amazing. It's especially amazing, because if you could see him you would agree that he does not look like the kind of man that would skip. I find it difficult to guess Hondurans ages, but I'd say he is probably in his 40s, slightly balding on top. He's 100% muscle, not a pinch of fat, and his face almost always has a focused serious expression. He's a difficult person to describe, you'd have to see him I guess. Although he does skip around some during class, he's not at all flamboyant or creepy. In fact, he's pretty much the perfect exercise instructor for the following reasons:

  1. I would never dream of comparing my body to his body. He's a man, and I wouldn't even want that much muscle. Therefore, class is never a comparison contest. Girls, you understand what problems we have with comparing ourselves to other women. I try my best not to compare; still, having a male instructor just makes it that much easier.
  2. I don't find him at all attractive.
  3. He doesn't seem to be attracted any of the women in our class (our class is ALL women).
  4. He pushes us but only by example. He doesn't yell at us to try harder or do more. Everyone feels free to go at their own pace.
  5. He focuses on all areas of fitness-- aerobics, flexibility, balance, and strength.
  6. He uses a wide variety of exercise techniques, from pilates to kick boxing, steps class, yoga, and free weights.
  7. He is quite pleasant and gentlemanly, but he's not overly friendly.
So that's why we like Skippy. He's a good fellow, and I'll miss his class when I leave.

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