Sunday, November 7, 2010

Like Cold Water to a Weary Soul...

...Is good news from a distant land. Proverbs 25:25

On Monday, November 1st, 2010, I walked to the Hondutel. This time, I had no expectations. I only wanted to mail some postcards. As I walked into the office, one of the ladies that knows me by name said that she had good news. I had to ask her to repeat that, because I wanted to be sure I hadn't miss understood. Then she told me she had three letters. When I saw the letters my heart skipped a couple beats as a giant smile swept over my face. I quickly reached out for them, and jumped around in gleeful delight. One from Steven, and two from my aunt and uncle! Finally, at last, the long awaited for letter was here! I thanked her profusely and bounced out of the office beaming all the way. I grabbed a taxi's attention and headed to tutoring. Because of my supreme happiness and excitement, I couldn't help but tell my taxi driver about my boyfriend and long awaited letter. For some reason, despite my gushing over the letter from my boyfriend, the taxi driver thought it would be a good time to hit on me. He was a creep, but thankfully the drive was pretty short and I was too happy to let anything ruin my day.

When I arrived at the Hernandez's house, I read the cards from my aunt and uncle. I made myself save the one from Steven until I could be alone. For some reason, it wasn't the first letter he had written, but I figured that one must be lost in the mail. Tutoring went by pretty quickly, and then I was home. Home in the peace and solitude of my room, ready to read my letter. I curled up with Balu (my teddy bear from Steven) on my lap and opened the letter. Words absolutely lack in every way to describe my feelings. Overjoyed, relieved, comforted, reassured, content. I cried happy tears as I read all five pages, savoring each one. For those of you that are interested, I will post another entry about how Steven is doing :). "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12.

Later that same night I found out that my mom was in the hospital. I had just talked with her earlier that day before I went to the post office. She was on her way to the doctor. I never imagined that it was anything so serious. I called my dad right away to find out what was going on. He didn't know very much for sure at the time, but it all sounded very serious. I did my own research online, trying to tell myself she would be fine. But to be honest, when you are far away from home and someone you love is in the hospital--there is a whole lot of room for fear and panic to sneak in. I skipped out on worship and instead spent the time crying and praying for my mom, my family, and peace. I desperately needed peace, because I felt completely unable to deal with the situation. I cried out to God and told Him how scared I was, how I couldn't handle this, and how I felt like I should be home.  Eventually sleepiness overtook me.

When I woke up Tuesday morning, I still felt upset, like I could burst into tears at any moment. I knew I had to keep it together or I wouldn't be able to teach. I briefly told Kadian about the situation, grateful that it was only brought up once. I left for school early and gave myself the eight minute walk to think and pray. Somewhere in the morning, I calmed down and felt peace settle my fears. My mom had to be okay. I couldn't think any other way. The school day passed, and thankfully it was soon time to leave. On my way out, Michy motioned me into her office. Thinking it was probably to sign something or get a note, I stepped in ready to hurry on home. Then she held up a letter! It was the first letter from Steven that I thought had been lost. Then my mom's words came flooding back to me, "Maybe God knows you will need the letter more at a different time," she had told me when I was so upset the week before. At that time, I had almost rolled my eyes thinking, 'How could I possibly need a letter more than right now?' My mom was right, as moms often are. My heart felt so warm as I realized that God had saved those letters for this week, because He knew I would need them. God's timing is perfect. I shared this news with my friend Rosemari, and she was happy for me and also concerned, saying that she would pray for my mom. I've told many others since, I just want to shout "Don't you see? God is personal, real, involved, and He knows how much we can handle!" He gave me peace, and then He blessed me with joy. A joy so wondrous that it can only be experienced by someone who has spent some time weeping. "Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy." Proverbs 14:10

Tuesday night we had a girls' night at Pizza Hut. Afterward, I spent a good while talking with Ashley, and she encouraged me. Wednesday we went running. Before I knew it, the week was over. Now my mom is home. She might have to have surgery in December, so keep her in your prayers.

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