Tuesday, May 10, 2011

June Bugs, Gentlemen, and Other Happenings

May 6th: First Honduran baby shower for the school psychologist, Dina. It was interesting.

May 7th: Kadian and I went for a Sabbath afternoon walk to the park. I saw a few of my students, and then we hung out with the Brewsters for a while at La Princesita. We had great plans of cleaning when we got home, but we did a spa night instead. Funniest moment: We had both just put egg/oil/lime masks on our face and laid down on her bed with cucumbers on our eyes, relaxing and breathing deeply. Then all of a sudden we heard this "BUZZZZ!" A huge disgusting June bug had gotten in somehow. Thankfully, Kadian is brave so she killed it. It was a little more difficult to relax after that. haha.

May 8th: We spent forever and a day grocery shopping! We also went to some thrift stores, and I think I found "the dress" that I want to wear home. Now to find a cardigan and shoes to match! :). My favorite memory of today was when two guys, Luis and Rodrigo, carried our big water jugs to our house for us! There was a big get together across the street from the pulperia, and they came over as soon as we paid and offered to help. The whole party clapped for them--we did too. It was SO refreshing to be treated like a lady. I appreciate gentlemen immensely. I can't wait until I'm back in the same place as my gentleman.

May 9th: Today for lunch we had vegetable pot pie, cauliflower, cucumber slices, and a slice of pumpkin bread. For supper tonight we cooked rice patties, garlic almond green beans, and savory creamy mashed potatoes. Needless to say, we've been enjoying our food. I am still eating a mango every day. Kady and I bought 14 for about $2 yesterday at the market. Sweet!

May 10th: If you were going to take one impression from my year in Honduras, I would not want this to be it. However, what I am about to tell you about is real and impacting lives of my students. Several times this year, families from the school have had their cars hijacked, been taken out to Siguatepeque (I have no idea why they always seem to take them there), robbed, and let go. Until this last weekend. When I walked into the kindergarten classroom  yesterday, Miss Ondina started asking Miss Ester (in Spanish), ´Does she know? Does she know about Maria?´  Well I didn´t, so I went to Miss Ester to ask what had happened. As she started telling me, it was the same bad story all over again. Maria´s mother and brother had been kidnapped, taken to Siquatepeque...But this time it didn´t end with, and thank the Lord, they were let go. No. Tragically, they were both murdered. Now my sweet little kindergartener has a big hole in her family, and pain that I cannot even imagine dealing with.

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