Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Half-way Through the Week Memories

 So the plan was to just record short little memories through the week, but some of them got really long. I didn't want to overwhelm anyone with a ridiculously long page, so here are my half-way through the first week of May memories...I decided to do this to catch all the little details that often don't get recorded. Now that my weeks are winding down, I want to be sure to remember this.

May 1st: Today I decided that I am going to eat mango every single day I have left in Honduras. Unless I get sick of them. Kind of doubt it.

May 2nd: I stood at the foot of a giant waterfall and felt small. I stood under a waterfall and felt resilient. I jumped 25 feet from the rocks to the water and felt alive. I stood over the waterfall and thought about how big God is.

May 3rd: I contemplated having a meltdown in school today. I think the last time I cried was when I thought the tsunami was going to wipe out Steven's island back in March--that was not a fun way to start the day. Anyway, I'm getting a little stressed about my kids' final, because I have missed a ton of days with them due to all the subbing I always have to do. Today I had to teach all of Miss Joline's classes (and two of mine). Which would have been okay except for the fact that I have a sinus infection (again) and feel miserable. By the end of the day, I was about to snap. The tears were about to brim. But then I didn't. Both the offices were closed and Miss Norma is gone, so there wasn't even anywhere good to run to. I've never had a meltdown here before. I actually haven't even cried that many times in Honduras.

Thankfully Pastor Trundle let me come home right after school was out. On my way home I felt needy. All I wanted was for a friend to notice I wasn't feeling well, give me a hug, and see if there was anything I needed. Someone to care. Shoot, well Miss Jonline was in the room for a minute, and she told the kids to be quiet and extra good because I was sick--just the fact she noticed I didn't feel well--I felt like hugging her! haha. The students were the only other ones that seemed to notice and care that I was not myself. I guess before this year I was always surrounded by empathetic and supportive people, and I'm missing that. This year I just have a different kind of support. It's not that it's bad or not enough, it's just an adjustment.

I thought I'd let myself cry once I was safely alone, but the tears just didn't feel like coming. So I made some cantaloupe juice, and called Mrs. J. Talking to her completely turned my day around. Now I feel affirmed, encouraged, and loved. And not all crazy! One of the best thing about Mrs. J and me is the fact that we have so many similarities. She understands me, and I can relate to her. Ah. So while I am still sick physically, mentally and emotionally, I feel 100% better.

On a side note, the one time I went to a doctor here a few months back, he told me to avoid AC and fans since I was sick. If someone in the US told a patient that in 85-100F weather, I'm pretty sure everyone would laugh. However, as I am very tired, actually quite literally exhausted, of being sick, I am trying to sleep and live without my fan on now. Currently: quite sweaty. I had to use a spray bottle to mist myself to sleep last night.

May 4th: I'll spare you the details, but let's just say mother nature slapped me in the face today with "The Female Curse". Aha. Yes, so that explains my emotional burst yesterday. So with the added pains plus being ill, I did well just making it through school today. I was constantly blowing my nose and almost coughed myself to the point of nausea.

However, after school Kady and I walked to the post office. I got a package and three letters from Steven! Those will be the last ones I get, because he is going to be in Majuro three weeks from now. He's going to hand deliver the remaining letters in June when I come home. I can't even imagine being able to talk to him on a regular basis let alone have my anxiously awaited letters "hand-delivered"! Beyond amazing. Right now I am doing everything I can to get better, because I want to be able to make the most of my few remaining weeks! It's hard to enjoy life when I feel like this. But praise the Lord for comfort, a plethora of mangoes and good food, lots of little hugs from my kids, and laughs with Kadian.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I wasn't able to offer much comfort and support when you called. Glad someone else was there for you.

    Love Mom.
