Friday, April 29, 2011

What I never expected I would get used to:

  1. The ants being all over everything. Now I just brush them off--clothes, myself, my toothbrush (though I also thoroughly clean that!), even my food.
  2. The sidewalks. They are so uneven, random and dirty. I used to think I would spend my entire ten months here staring at the ground to keep from tripping. Now I don't even have to think about it.
  3. Spanish. I wish I could say I've learned a ton. I think that would be stretching the truth. I have grown much more comfortable speaking Spanish, and I understand a lot more. I can sit in church and understand the gist of the sermon. I can get around. 
  4. Whistles, kisses, shouts, and terms of endearment. Latino culture is typically romantic, and men appreciate beauty. In Honduras, they are very vocal and obvious about that appreciation. I used to get angry and annoyed by all of the unwanted attention, but now I've learned to be polite about it (with a few exceptions). One of my Honduran friends told me that when guys don't say things to her when she goes out, she wonders if she is getting old! Haha. Just another part of the culture.
  5. Not carrying a purse. Now I feel annoyed when I do have to carry one. It's such a bother. Most of the time I have my backpack with me, and it has everything I need. When I don't have my backpack, well--I have just learned to need less.
  6. Not drinking the water from the facet. I used to be scared every time I brushed my teeth or took a shower. Now I don't even think about it.
  7. The heat. I love my fan. And frozen smoothies. And water. The A/C in the classrooms in nice most of the time. However, when I am in a bus or boat with full A/C everywhere--I am absolutely freezing all the time! It's awful.
  8. Not being able to talk to Steven. Now this isn't something I've liked getting used to, but I know it has strengthened our relationship and helped us grow as individuals. Also, few things are quite as beautiful as love letters in my opinion. This being said, I think he will be on Majuro sometime towards the end of May, and I am SO excited! 
  9. The loud teachers I work with. Let's face it, sometimes the teacher room just gets a little rowdy when I'd rather have peace and quiet. But now I really like all the teachers I work with, loud personalities included :).
  10. Not having a car or cell phone. To be honest, I love walking (except when I have tons of groceries) and I don't miss my cell phone.
  11. Being surrounded by different cultures. I live in Honduras, my roommates are Jamaican, and one is British too. It was quite the bombardment of different cultures at first, but now they have become normal.
  12. Being mostly vegan. I remember when I first found out Kadian was vegan. I remember before she came even thinking, "Oh man, let's hope she's not vegan or something else like that!" lol. I've been mostly vegan this year, and I don't even miss dairy anymore. I only eat it when it's there; I don't crave it.
  13. Oxen walking by our front door. On a regular basis.
  14. Baking with a oven that doesn't have labeled heat settings. I've determined that it only gets about 375 F on full heat. Oh, and I also never use a timer and often forget to look at the clock.
  15. The fact that I'm living in Honduras. And now--my house here in Comayagua feels like home.

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