Friday, February 4, 2011

A Day in Pictures

Wednesday, First class: 7:10, Prepa B. The first few minutes of class are devoted to unpack & sit down time.
Which was a little interrupted once they realized there was a camera...
One of those angelic students that never lets me down... Ivette, what a darling.

Caleb, one of my new little students that just came from the States.

Natally & Ana. Natally's mom died, so she lives with her aunt. Sometimes she just seems so solemn, but I think losing your mom at a such a young age could do that do a kid. I'm glad she has family to take care of her, but it's not the same.

Second class: 7:50, Kindergarten AM; Katherine. Pronounced like Kat-(short)a-reene, which I think is really cute. The first time I met her mom, I thought she was so sweet and friendly, more so than any of the other parents. Turns out, it's because she is from Guatemala. Apparently Guatemalans are friendlier than Hondurans.
 After this I went to Pre-K AM until 9:10. Then normally I go to assist Miss Joline in First grade for three classes, then have a free period for lunch. Since elementary took parcial tests this week, I just got a lot of free time instead.

Afternoon Kindergarten 12pm. I only get a half an hour with them, and it always goes by took quickly. A new student to kindergarten--Nathalie. She is fitting right in! Even though she doesn't understand much English at all, she works so hard.

Yes, Henry is going to break hearts someday. But wait there's more--he has an identical twin brother.

The afternoon kindergarten boys have such a close knit bond. They're adorable.

Valeria Fernanda. She is the tiniest little thing, and so dainty. I remember when she used to cry almost every day, because she missed her mom. Now she bouncing in the room, exclaims, "Miss Emily!" and gives me a big small hug.

I took this picture at the same time as David accidentally poured his cup of water on my foot in the excitement of picture. Fun times. Valeria Michelle, the little girl next to me, really loves cats. I think she manages to tie cats into almost every thing we talk about in Bible class. "What do you want to do in heaven?" "Play with the cats!" "How can we be kind to others?" "Be nice to the cats!"

Josue, Valeria F., Angel, Christian

All the boys! They insisted on a group picture.

The girls waited patiently for class to get started...

Crazy boys. After this, we had to settle down for class.

12:30 brings me to Prepa A. Emily loves the camera.

Jose Alaberto is so cute. he makes one of the best sheep impressions I've ever seen. Unfortunately, sometimes that's the only part of the song (I just want to be a sheep) that he will sing.

Mario. The other day he was riding home in the backseat of his mom's blue car as I was walking out of the parking lot to go home. "Good bye Miss Emily!" he yelled. "Good bye Mario!" I called back. "I love you!' he shouted, catching me off-guard and getting a big smile. "I love you too, Mario." I told him. And then I thought about how I really do.

Luar and Aurel :)

Jafet. This boy can be so quiet sometimes, but his sweetness catches me by surprise.

Ivonne, such a dear. She's always ready for her "close-up" :)

One of the many adorable little faces I see staring up at me every day. Sandra.

At 1:10 I head over to my afternoon pre-k class. Alejandro. I'll never forget the first two days he came to school. He screamed and cried so much that he fell asleep from pure exhaustion. Ever since then he has been a handful and way too adorable.

Fausto, a little quiet and timid, and such a good student---most of the time. He's one of the few pre-k kids that can write their names without help.

Samuel and Gerardo. Can you even guess how much mischief is packed behind those grins?

Mia. She has the cutest roundest eyes. They're even better in person.

Josephine's cute hair for the day.

My little Juancito

The whole class getting ready to sing "Making Melodies"

"The trees are gently swaying, swaying, swaying..."

Tiffany has the best curls. Ever. Also, she is kind of like a little grown-up. And it's way too cute.

Juan & Gerardo

Back to Prepa A for my English Reinforcement class that I picked up the week before Christmas. Estephania and I

Lucia--this girl is so mature and artistic. I am always showing off her papers to my roommates. She's so precious, and she tries so hard to speak in English to me.

I went to the Hogar to help tutor. Some visiting Americans brought these pretty necklaces for all the girls, and Estephania insisted, or should I say demanded, that I keep hers. She even put in on me.

This girl is something else. When she makes up her mind about something, it's end of discussion. It was hard for me to accept a gift that was supposed to be something special for her, but I knew that it was more important to her that I have it. The thing is, the kids at the Hogar don't need presents, they need presence. I'm starting to feel sad that I am going to have to leave them after just a year of being someone that they can count on.
Did I mention my kids have been writing me a lot of love notes lately? It just makes my heart melt.

1 comment:

  1. So first there's Josue, and then Henry, and then of course our little Juan! And then Mia (who looks like "Bo" from Monster's Ink) - so adorable! And then the story about Mario...tears Em, you brought me to tears! Your kids are so precious - something to be cherished forever! Hold on to them as long as you can, continue to show them God's love, and keep plowing through the tough days and living around the ants - God is good! Finish Strong! I love you!
