Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Flat Stanley's First Day 2-12-11

Flat Stanley is a book for children about a boy who gets flattened by a bulletin board that falls on him. Because he is flat, Stanley gets to be mailed to California to visit family and has all sorts of adventures. Steven's niece, Elizabeth, read this book with her second grade class. Everyone in her second grade class mailed out their very own "Flat Stanley"s to have adventures. After three days, the recipient mails Flat Stanley back to the sender and along all of his adventures. Needless to say, being a preschool teacher, I thought this was a splendid good time. Stanley started off his first day with a scrumptious healthy breakfast :). That's fresh papaya (tastes nothing like the stuff you find in the States), fresh pineapple, local bananas, and oatmeal.

All ready for church! Good thing he came wearing dress clothes.

Before we set out, Stanley had to get a picture with Elizabeth's picture on my wall.

We got to church a little early, because we were in charge of Sabbath school for the week.

Our church is a new (just over a year old), and opened as a means of outreach to the youth at the school.

Cia & Nelly

Flat Stanley and I

Miss Melissa and I. She is the Language Arts teacher for Prepa--and Miss Myla's sister!
A quick picture in the central park on our way home from church.

Stanley surprised that we cook using a propane tank.

I was pretty excited about Stanley

Stanley learns where all our drinking water comes from.

Yes...It may mean I'm getting old. But my idea of a "good" Saturday night means that I cleaned every inch of the kitchen and got to bed on time (I usually aim for 9pm). Oh, and the picture. I was surprised over something. Or lost something. Don't remember.

Our back door likes to get stuck.

Woo hoo! Cleaning spirit.

Warm bubbly water

Kadian wielding the new duster. The spider webs must be attacked weekly!

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