Sunday, February 27, 2011

Candlelit Dinners and Birthday Parties

What a day! Here it is, just before 8am Sunday morning, and I am joyous. Yesterday was fantastic, and today is going to be wonderful as well (even though I was up late and failed at sleeping in). Okay, I know, I know. 'What's so exciting?!' you're asking. Well, a lot. A lot is exciting, but before I get into today and the next couple months of excitement, let me tell you about yesterday.
Staring longingly at my dinner. So hungry.

I wanted to wait for Kadian's food to be warm. Our microwave is very slow. Finally we made a compromise since I won't start without her. She ate a piece of broccoli off my plate just as the microwave dinged.

So then I ate some of her broccoli.

As you can see, we had quite a romantical candlelit dinner. Except right after this picture, we quickly moved the candles to the other end of the table. The house was way too hot! Candlelit dinners leave something to be desired when 1. It's still daylight out. 2. The temperature is over 80. However, we still had fun.
 Later in the day, I called home. Some of my friends at come over to my house for Allie's birthday. I got to Skype and talk to everyone. It was great to see their faces--I wish I could have been there!

As soon as I was done talking to the girls, I headed over to Miss Myla's house for Christian's birthday party. We enjoyed punch, yummy baked spaghetti, garlic bread, and fruit cocktail cake.

The birthday boy, our little bro :)

Nelly, me, and Bibi (Miss Melissa's, Miss Myla's sister, daughter)

Miss Melissa's son, Kyle, Pastor Trundle, Karen (Miss Melissa's oldest), Miss Myla in the background

Cia, me, Christian, Nelly, and Kadian. Our little brother is one of the few people here that makes me feel short.

After the party, Miss Myla came over to help us pressure cook our "muy duro" beans that we've had since the beginning of the year. They took a good while, so I decided to count up all our one and two lempira bills that have been piling up. Before counting, I laid them all out on the table in stacks. I told Miss Myla to guess. Her guess was 329. We had 325. CRAZY. Not sure what we'll spend these on...I'm thinking curtains for the living room. :)
Okay, now onto today. Kadian and I are going SHOPPING!!! Not just grocery shopping (we do that every Sunday). No, today we are shopping for CLOTHES! :) Ahhh. I haven't been clothes shopping in ages. I'm so excited. Also, our future is awesome. It's going to go by way too quickly. Get this. First of all, after tomorrow it's MARCH! Next weekend, we're going to a concert. The following weekend, we're going to Choluteca to visit my sister while she is there for a mission trip. In April, we have Semana Santa, which is our spring break. We talked to Pastor last night, and it looks like we're going to Roatan, Bay Islands for a long weekend in April! Also, we're going to try and make it over to El Salvador for a couple days. I'm so excited. After break, it's pretty much May, and then the year is practically over. I can't believe it.

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