Tuesday, February 1, 2011

God Made Backpacks!

Today in my afternoon prepa class (which actually went quite well), we began class with our usual song service. After a small debate, we ended with "Who's the King of the Jungle?" Immediately following the song, Caleb was at my waist asking,

"Did God really create the whole world?" His big brown eyes full of question stared up at me.

"Yes," I replied, "God created everything."

A huge smile spread across his face, "Wow! That's really cool." He started to list things that God created. Before he managed to get back to his seat he exclaimed, "God created backpacks!"

"Well...in a way. God created humans. He gave us such great intelligent brains that humans created backpacks." I told him, remembering that I had grappled with this concept too as a child. "Isn't that neat?" I asked, desperately hoping he would understand.

"Yeah." Caleb told me with a smile. We went over the idea again when he brought up the wall posters and alphabet. 

I felt his little arms around my waist as he buried his face in my stomach. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'll be here tomorrow. When will you miss me?" I implored.

"I'll miss you when I go home."

"Don't worry," I comforted, "I will be here again tomorrow." I couldn't think about the end of the year all to quickly approaching when I will not be able to say that anymore.

 From there he told me that his dad died in Texas. The first day he came to class he just said his dad got on a plane "to go somewhere else". It makes a little more sense to me why his mother might have had to leave her children with their grandmother in Honduras. But 'sense' doesn't make it hurt any less.

"I miss him."

I told Caleb that someday Jesus was coming, and we were going to go to Heaven. I told him that Heaven is BETTER than anything he could imagine. I said maybe he would see his dad there.

"Better than United States or Honduras?!" he asked in utter disbelief.

"Oh, yes. Much better. In Heaven, no one will be sad and no one will die." I happily shared.

"Whoa! That's so awesome. Really no one will die? he questioned.

I nodded and assured him that Heaven is going to be the best place ever.

Soon (as with many preschoolers), Caleb was out of his seat once again. "I know everything there is to know about God!" He gleefully declared.

I smiled and turned to him as if to say, this is it, here's the best part, "The thing with God is, He is so big and so powerful, that we are never done learning about Him!"

Can I get an 'Amen!'?

Praise be to God. If I had been in a bad mood or too tired to be bothered--this conversation would not have happened.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Emily, my heart has completely melted. Praise the Lord! He so clearly had a plan in store specifically for you when He opened the doors to your year in Honduras and how (for lack of better, more emphatic word)...AWESOME it is that He used you today to touch the life of one precious little boy. I pray for you every day (and for Steven!) - keep your chin up and above all else...finish strong! Love you!
