Friday, September 24, 2010

A cozy stroll, masterpieces, and the jellybean potato.

Thursday afternoon the sky was overcast as we started our walk home. It started sprinkling moments later, but we decided to stop at Jumbo anyway. We kind of had to since we were out of bread and oil. I'm starting to think that we will go to Jumbo everyday (or at least more days that not) no matter how much grocery shopping we do on Sunday. Something always comes up, whether it's cookies for students, jelly, or the ever disappearing bread--the people at Jumbo definitely know our faces. We think they may be placing bets on whether or not we'll come in every day. lol. When we were ready to check out at Jumbo, it was raining pretty heavily so we decided to kill some time. We looked around for a good ten or fifteen minutes until the exhaustion from the long day and week settled down firmly upon us. Cue look outside. No more heavy rain. We were witnessing a torrential downpour. We debated our options, counted our dwindling lempiras, and came up with a plan. Kadian and I sent Cia & Nelly home in a taxi with all of our bags. Then we cozied up under Kadian's England wind ravaged umbrella and began sloshing our way home. You should have seen the people's faces! lol. Some women just stared at us like we were the strangest thing they had ever seen, while some men looked amused. We must have been quite the spectacle to behold. A tall English Jamaican girl and a shorter (but still tall here) white American girl laughing (rather hysterically) as we dodged rivers forming in the streets, whimpered as our shoes filled with water, and bemoaned our grand adventure--all while in each others arms. That is until Kadian decided to abandon the small refuge of the umbrella and try to jump over a particularly large river forming on the side of the road and run down half the street. I bounced after her, jumping and landing in part of the "river", thus soaking the rest of my skirt, carrying the umbrella and laughing all the way. Both together again and under (or mostly under) the umbrella, we walked the final stretch to the house. Needless to say, we were ready to get into some dry clothes. Soon after, the rain died down and then stopped completely.

This is the picture of me that my little student in kindergarten drew of me. He is such an excellent student! And it has nothing to do with the fact that his name is Steven :)

So sweet! I got this first thing in the morning, what a beautiful start to the school day. Andrea Carolina is such a sweetie.

Supper tonight = amazing. Sauteed fresh green beans, corn, veggie meat, and rice and peas (peas are beans. Don't ask me to explain. It's a Jamaican thing. And yes, I was very confused when I first heard the name lol.). Cia spoils us. Oh and fresh lemonade, a frequent treat around here.

Me, "Let's get the small ones, those big ones are way too expensive." Kadian, "Oh you hate me, don't you?!" What was I thinking. Ten to twenty lemps is a dollar or less difference. We had a potato peeling party tonight.

Nelly hard at work. Cia wasn't invited to the party. ;)

Then I met the jellybean potato. Seriously? This thing was smaller than one of those poofy orange circus peanut candies.
We decided on scalloped potato casserole. More like I decided, and everyone agreed to go along with it. things were going well until Kadian got to the part about needing 5 cups of milk as she was reading me the instructions. We only had a half cup of Original Silk left and a newly bought cartoon of Vanilla Silk. Hm. Well, it doesn't taste very vanilla-y, nothing like the stuff from home. Maybe it will be okay. We didn't have a lot of other choices and hoped for the best. We added a whole lot of seasonings, but there is an undeniable slight vanilla flavor going on. I am really, really hoping that baking takes some of that out. Who knows. Potluck could be interesting tomorrow. lol. We are also bringing some veggie meat and salad, so there are other things to fall back on if this fails. I was so looking forward to some yummy scalloped potatoes, such a comforting homey food. Next time: original soy milk and big potatoes.

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