Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Random notes, thoughts, and updates since turning 20

1. Today a little kindergarten girl put tried to put her mouth over my watch. The thought that watches might taste good has never occurred to me. Maybe it looked like a lolly pop or something--it is pink.
2. I am blessed to be surrounded by incredibly loving people. Birthday happiness: bed in breakfast, birthday sign, birthday cake, birthday balleada, birthday banner, birthday party, birthday candle, birthday ice cream, birthday questions, and over 100 birthday facebook comments/messages (WOW). Basically, my birthday rocked.
Admiring my beautiful jello cake.
Look at my beautiful birthday banner!
Ashley made it. So yummy!
They made me a cute little slide show. Awwww. I loved it!
Ashley, Kadian, Emily x 2, Cia, Nelly, and David
3. I love Funyuns. And sometimes the best thing you can do after a long Monday is treat yourself to a bag of Funyuns. Even if they are 50 lempiras. Which is only about $2.something, but on our salary--It's a lot! lol
4. Today I got my first package and card in the mail. BEST part of my week including the days that haven't happened yet. I can't believe how sweet Steven's parents are. They sent beautiful place mats that we enjoyed tonight, a giant singing b-day card, neat things for school, some treats, and best of all--letters, a cd, and a t-shirt from Steven. Let me pause for a moment and gush. My boyfriend wrote me a note for every Sabbath that I am here. How adorable is that? I love him :). I still haven't heard anything since he left for Woja, but I emailed the principal on Majuro. He is going to pass any news he hears along, and he is hoping to hear from Steven tomorrow!
We finally discovered that vegetables do exist here. The good ones just aren't always in Jumbo (the close grocery store).

5. Yesterday a little boy from prepa named Jafet gave me a homemade flower. So cute! It completely brightened my day.
6. We made a menu plan for the week. It's awesome. But somehow we have still had to go to the grocery store for one thing or another every day so far, and we have to go again tomorrow.
7. I tried to be sneaky about my cleaning, but eventually my roommates noticed I was cleaning on my birthday. Despite them insisting I relax (which I did ALL morning!), I managed to get the shower scrubbed down. Haha. Best part? I didn't find any worms.

8. I'm currently trying to find a solution to being tackled by hugs from over twenty kids at once. Both the prepa classes about knocked me over today. I need to find an alternative form of endearment. Blowing kisses? Hm, not sure.

9. Store boxes are free in Honduras too. A guy from a school supply store gave me a free box yesterday, and I really thought he was the nicest person ever. lol
10. I went to the market for the first time yesterday. I like to buy things from the poor cute little old ladies, because I feel bad for them. Apparently this is not good market shopping technique. Kadian is threatening to never let me go back, but none of our purchases were really bad, so I think she'll reconsider.. ;)
11. I find it very disturbing that I brush my teeth with water that we won't even wash our fruit in. I try not to think about it.
12. I'm starting to become slightly less concerned about killing every ant I see. You just can't win 'em all.
13. Hearing Alejandro Josue say "MOON!" when I pointed to a drawing of a moon today before we had even reviewed made me ridiculously happy. With the pre-k kids, sometimes I feel a little hopeless. It was so exciting that he remembered!
14. I'm going to try to not chop my hair off this year. I'm not expecting much, but I'm kind of interested to see how long it'll get.
15. Parent teacher meetings this Friday. My biggest fear? Not knowing who their child is when they ask how he or she is doing. I think I have most of their names down, but I'm fuzzy on a few of the kindergarteners.
16. If you have any good vegan recipes, send them my way! Especially protein dishes. We have one kind of tvp (dried veggie meat) here, but it's getting old fast. We also have silken tofu and a whole lot of beans. We cook every night and always have dinner as a family. I think I am really going to miss that when this year is over.
17. My busy, somewhat uptight about time,  American attitude is slowly being chipped away at. And y'all thought I was late to a lot of things. Come to Honduras! :) lol
18. I now understand why my dad hated it so much when we stuffed the garbage can. Let me tell you, it's even worse when the garbage has been sitting in non air-conditioned Honduran weather.
19. I now clearly see that God had a purpose in my first hectic week trying to teach pre-k. I was so stressed trying to teach these little tikes that weren't at all used to sitting in school and didn't understand a word of English, I didn't see much good in the situation other than the fact that I was learning their names. Now I realize what a blessing my time in pre-k was. Since I was with them at the beginning and the kids got to know me so well, they all love me now! :). It makes teaching their Bible class a lot easier, and because they are so young, this year will have a big impact on them.
20. The frog that frequents our porch area has been named Sherwin.

P.S. 20 isn't so old.

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