Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Meet Jim and Bed Times Past.

Monday, September 13th, 2010: So...First the power went out. Which meant the water was out too. Luckily we had some candles. I lit the candles and after some laughing and deciding we should sleep, I went to brush my teeth. As I was brushing my teeth by candle light, the power came back on. So then we momentarily thought about doing our lesson planning, but disregarded the idea and choose to keep getting ready for bed. It would have been an early night if it wasn't for Jim. Jim, the lizard, made his first appearance in my room. I yelled to Kadian asking what I should do. She told me to chase him out of my room. She also started to tell me to wait until she closed her door...But it was too late. I chased him out, and he went straight to her room. This is me trying to get him away from her clothes.
We weren't being very successful. Jim is a clever little fellow.
We moved the "closet" type thing away from the wall, but Jim still wouldn't come out.
We finally got Jim off the wall and under the dresser. We moved the dresser all the way to Kadian's door and tried to scare him out. Noise wasn't working. So..
We called for Dawnelle to come chase him out from the other side. She came over to see what was going on and said, "Oh I don't deal with those".
So we pushed the dresser a little, and I went out welding a hanger as my tool of choice (not that there were a lot of choices..). Oh, and just because I'm in Honduras doesn't mean my hair looks quite this bad ALL the time. I was getting ready to wash my face before Jim came along lol.
After a couple minutes, Jim scampered away from Kadian's room, and victory was mine!
I surveyed Jim from a happy distance.
Poor little guy was breathing very heavily. We decided to leave him alone since he was out of our rooms.
September 14th, 2010: The next night I was trying to go to bed early again. But I saw the super glue sitting next to my bed and decided I should really get those rubber things glued into the back of my shoes. You see, I bought these really nice comfy black shoes for school right before I left, but the are just a hair too big and rub my heels. I got some rubber things to put it, but they just slipped right out. After a few weeks, I finally found some super glue thanks to Miss Myla. Then it sat by my bed for another week. So anyway, it was about time I got around to gluing my shoes. The first shoe went surprisingly well. I think I a bit over-confident. When I tried to glue the next shoe, fumes over powered me as I struggled to position it just right and before I knew it the glue was on my fingers. I pulled them apart just before they stuck. But I had about four and a half glue covered fingertips. Kadian started searching for ways to remove super glue from skin. Vinegar--don't have. Boiling water--on skin, really?? Nail polish remover--now that sounds like a plan. I tried soaking my fingers for a little bit, but it was really late and I needed to sleep. I soaked them a little longer this morning, and as the day has gone on I think most of it has fallen off :). So the moral of the story is, listen to your mommy when she says to be careful with super glue. But if you do get it one your's not really such a big deal! Just really weird feeling.

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