Saturday, September 11, 2010

Today: seeing nature, being cold (in Honduras!), and

Our before church picture is becoming a weekly tradition :). We were worried we were going to be very late, but Honduran time, we were just fine.
Later in the afternoon we went back to the youth church to plan an evening program for another Adventist church. We had no idea where it was going to be at or what is was going to be like. On our way there, Paul (our neighbor/office person/teacher's son/friend) told us that it was a new church and he didn't think the wall were up yet. Still, I was a bit surprised when our car slowed down, and he said, "We're here!". This is the new church.
At first I was a bit in shock that this was where we were having our evening service, noticing the dirt floor, cows nearby, and tin roofs. The other two churches I've been two have been very nice concrete buildings, so it was just a bit surprising to see this one. But then we saw "The View". Beautiful! Since coming to Comayagua we haven't seen a lot of nature except for the mountains surrounding us off in the far distance. It was so great to be out in the country a ways!
Cia and Kadian :). Dawnelle stayed home and tried to sleep off her headache :(
Me loving the cool weather and mountain view!
Kadian and I in front of the church trying not to let our heels sink in :) lol
The view across the street wasn't so pretty. There is a lot of litter here.
Me, Darcia, Kathy, and Kadian. Kathy is our friend, the 5th grade homeroom teacher, and Paul's girlfriend. She's so cute!
Me, Cia, Effie, and Kadian. Effie is such a sweetie! She teaches classes in first and second grade.
Effie and I. She is such a good friend :). She is the one that took me grocery shopping for the first time, and the first person I showed my scrapbook to.
Kathy's hair is so pretty. These neat bead things are very popular here in Honduras. I don't have the hair to pull one off, but they look super cute in long hair :)
James. He is so adorable :)

All of this was before it started pouring. First it was just a sprinkle, then the drops got bigger and faster until it was a chilling rainstorm. We waited it out in the cars for a while, but then it was time to get started (about an hour late). The wind whipped up dirt that stung our legs. We all huddled together and tried to stay warm. Just when I thought there was no way we were actually going to have the service, chairs arrived, were wiped dry, and we sat down. At the beginning we just wanted to go home, go to a different place, hide in the car--anywhere to be out of the cold wind, flying dust, and unwanted rain. At one point, we moved our chairs all against the side away from the rain (the wind was blowing at an angle; thus, it brought the rain inside our little church). Kadian and I were being a bit dramatic while Cia sat calmly, but all of us were pretty miserable. I prayed that God would either move us to a different place or calm the rain down, and God is so good. He heard my prayer, and I'm sure the prayers of others, and the rain did die down. It was still there, but it no longer found us under our shelter. The singing began, we did a welcome, watched a Bible game Effie planned, enjoyed a meaningful drama, sang special music in Spanish (PTL [praise the Lord!] it went well , but we did miss Dawnelle), and ended with prayer. I think they decided to skip the sermon since it was getting late and everyone was kind of cold. The evening ended with "feliz semana" (happy week) greetings and hugs.

We had a cozy Saturday night in. All of us are fighting colds right now. I'm going to do my best to get lots of sleep and drink some Emergen-C! Hopefully it'll pass quickly. we took out Dawnelle's twists in her hair, and it looks so beautiful! We want to have a big hair day on Thursday or Friday since we have vacation time. I know I can't get that much volume, but we'll see. There will be pictures if/when it happens :)

Dawnelle :)
Happy Sabbath, happy week, and goodnight!

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