Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Why Today is Fantastic
  • New pink hair ribbon, courtesy of Valentine´s Day gifts. Plus, my hair dried nicely today.
  • Delicious oatmeal for breakfast thanks to Miss Myla, and a yummy smoothie.
  • Free period for recess
  • Going to the museum twice with first graders
  • Turns out, lasagna is easy to make. Lunch was good.
  • Preschool is having parcials, I think I can leave at noon!
  • ¿Tiempo libre en la tarde? (free time in the afternoon) Yes, please! Oh whatever shall I do...Laundry, lesson planning, cooking. So many choices lol.
  • Dance class at 5! I´m so excited.
  • I´m not sleepy.
  • A letter for Steven is on its way to me.
Hey, March. You´re looking fabulous.


  1. Make that two letters. Which actually probably means more like 4 since he sends more than one at a time. Awesome!

  2. Glad you're having an upbeat day. Not to put a damper on it but there's a saying "March in like a lamb out like a lion" and vice versa. The saying is usually about the weather, but?
