Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Tonight I want to write a blog to tell you why my friend Chelsea is awesome. Chels and I first became friends when we both had German foreign exchange students live at our houses for two weeks my junior (her sophomore) year of high school--wow, let's not think about how long ago that was! Anyway, ever since then we realized that life was better because we knew each other. We have made so many memories through the years. Oh where to begin...
  • Many Friday nights spent making granola and spilling our hearts out to each other
  • Getting ready for banquet together--Being on SA together! Ah. Remember when you made me put lip gloss on my eyelids, because you thought it was the eye shadow? ;)
  • Sorting through all our boy drama
  • The Road Trip
  • Sleeping on the trampoline
  • Going to Peru!
  • Singing together, musicals together, seeing Wicked together!
  • Remember that one time? With the sign that was definitely not noticeable enough? Yeah, enough said. ha ha.
  • Looking at facebook together--hey, it was companionable
  • Taking naps when we were too tired to do anything else but still wanted to hang out
  • One name: Wal-Greens
  • Also, Target. And fishy crackers!
  • All the parties we had at our houses
  • Eating gummy bears
  • The few number of times we have skyped this year
That's just to name a few. Basically, I REALLY miss her. Chelsea, when you read this (because I know you will), I want to say thank you. I know you are having a crazy week, and I want you to remember how loved you are.
  • Thank you for never judging me, and accepting me faults and all, even if I do love avocados more than the average person.
  • Thank you for spending countless hours giggling with me. Thank you for being silly with me.
  • Thank you for eating toast with me.
  • Thank you for all the times you've listened, and thank you for sharing your secrets too.
  • Thank you for believing in me.
  • Thank you for being happy with me, and thank you for being sad with me.
  • Thank you for showing up and being there (Skype included) when I don't even want to be cheered up. Thanks for making me laugh.
  • Thank you for making my friends your friends without hesitation. I really appreciate how accepting you are.
  • Thank you for being a wedding dork. I love it!
  • Thank you for all the notes you write to me and put in the boxes at school.
  • Thank you for being honest with me, and for understanding me, and liking me even when you don't understand me. Let's face it, sometimes I don't make sense.
  • Thank you for sending me a most awesome package in the mail.
  • Thank you for being my friend. You are one of my truest. Words will always be lacking to thank you enough. Remember...
These pancakes are courtesy of the awesome pancake shaker you sent me. They were delicious and so ingeniously easy!

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