Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Down to the Itty Bitty Details--My Life as in Missionary in Comayagua

"I'm sorry girls, I tried so hard to pick out all the bugs...but I guess I just couldn't get them all." I say apologetically. "It's fine." the gemelas say in unison. I look up from my cookie baking to see them intently picking through their broccoli. *lol* Our broccoli had an infestation of little greenish caterpillar bugs. Hooray, organic?

So far, we're either too busy or too cheap to buy real curtains. Probably both. We got tired of everyone being able to see through the first one, so now it's even prettier...

Today the gas for our stove ran out in the middle of cookie baking. You can't call the gas man after 5pm. Thankfully, we have Miss Myla. On the bright side to having a gas stove, at least we can still cook when the water and lights go out.

Welcome to the war I've been fighting since August 16th, 2010. There have been many casualties (as shown above) on the enemies side, but they only increase in number and advance unceasingly. I often contemplate surrender, but so far I have held my ground.

Peanut butter--a student missionary's best friend. Anyone else agree? :)

"The ghetto line", once used out of necessity, is now reserved for rainy days. We now have extensive line space out back thanks to my extremely talented and handy uncle.

That's a crack between my window and wall. Nice. Doesn't really keep out cold air, hot air, or bugs. Still I'm thankful it's there (the window, that is).

Funny, I was kind of defensive when my aunt said she could never live out of a suitcase for a year like I do. My bags of clothes are much better than suitcases! Thank you very much.

This is our toilet handle. Gross? Yeah, I used to think so too. Take in the added fact that a toilet holds lots of water and the handle is always kind of damp.

Alternate cooling rack.

Where all of our clean water comes from. Ever since I realized I could carry one of these, we haven't asked Christian for help again.

"Nooo! Don't open that. We never go down there." The forbidden cupboard. We used to keep our trash can there, but it was all damp and smelly and once we found a cockroach! So we cleaned it out, and now we never, ever, open that cupboard.

The affectionate curtain in front of our kitchen sink. We keep it tied up, because whenever it's down it blows into our faces and give us "kisses".

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