Thursday, January 27, 2011

Eating Garbage.

Please forgive me if this comes off harsh. But I am convinced that for a parent to give their small child soda on a regular basis, they must either 1. Be uneducated as far as health is concerned or 2. Have very low expectations for their child's future. There is a wild card out there that maybe their child just won't eat anything else. If that is the case, I think the child just needs to get hungry enough. Then they will eat real food.

I am literally pained by seeing what some of my children are sent for breakfast. BREAKFAST for crying out loud! That's supposed to be a nutritious healthy start to your day. I understand that little kids are picky, and maybe it's hard to get them to eat their veggies or whole wheat bread. However, none of that makes it acceptable to send them twinkies and a soda pop to school. One of my little boys, who recently turned three, brought  this soda today:
 This is not a small bottle. It's one those larger-than-a-can sized bottles. Thank goodness he didn't drink it all. Just the portion he did drink was enough damage. Honest truth, the boy was running into walls, falling over, and laughing like it was the best entertainment around--when he was supposed to be sitting in class.

I cringed when I saw one of my brilliant little students opening his marsh mellow covered cookies and sugary fruit drink this morning. That was all he had for breakfast. How will he ever live to his full potential if his parents keep feeding him like that? Rather than being the exception, this kind of "breakfast" seemed to be the norm. I really hope that some of these kids are eating breakfast at home too. But really, even for a snack they consume way too much sugar.  I guess I've always been a bit of a health nut, but isn't this just a little disturbing to you too?

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