Monday, January 24, 2011


Do you ever start to question your ability? Your talent? Even your potential? Maybe your day started off optimistically, maybe you even found renewed energy. However, the feeling creeps up--maybe even about something small and insignificant--and before long it snowballs. Insecurity, doubt, fear--they have a way of sticking like that.

I had one of those days. Teaching preschoolers was pure joy for about a week. Then I realized the exhaustion I felt at the end of each day was normal. I still find joy in it...but merciful heavens. It takes a very special person to be a full-time long-term preschool teacher. Even though the language barrier is tough, I really enjoy kindergarten, and pre-k is fun too. Prepa, on the other hand, often leaves me feeling helpless and frustrated. Miss Melissa says this is the worst behaved class she has had. The boys are so violent. There are so many kids that cause trouble--just SO many kids in general (27 in one room and now 28 in the other)--I really don't know what to do. I need some classroom management ideas. Today I felt so defeated. This song hit me like a splash of cold water.

"Do You find it an insult, when I constantly second guess myself?
And I wish You had used different brushes to add finishing touches or had just painted something else?
This is inadequate praise to say that I have less to offer.
Whatever You gave was enough to proclaim and to love my Creator.
I have been given all that I need to bring You glory.
No one else in the world can tell my story..."

(I would cite the artist, but all I know about this song is that someone who went to Southern Adventist University wrote and sang it. I think the group is called Constellations.)

That line really got me. "Whatever You gave was ENOUGH to proclaim and to love my Creator." I get so caught up in my teaching job, that sometimes I forget how important my first job is--proclaiming and loving my God. That does not mean that life will be easy, but it does assure me of this:

 'You are enough. I created you to be unique, unlike anyone else. I have great plans and purpose for you. Simply trust Me.' 

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