Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What Keeps Me Sane.

  • Prayer. Even if I can only manage two words: God help.
  • Putting time in perspective.
  • Affectionate little kids that grab onto my legs, bury their heads into my stomach, shout "Meez Emelee!", and occasionally even give me the cutest little kisses. (Note: these same kids sometimes drive me a bit crazy)
  • Baking. Speaking of which I have a great vegan banana muffin recipe if your interested...
  • Having people around me that care about my well being.
  • Knowing that I have less than 5 months of actual school left. 
  • My flute.
  • The copious amount of food, especially veggie meat, that I got for Christmas (Thanks Mom, Marlene, Union, and most of all, Aunt Sandy, Uncle, and Toby for hauling all of it to me!). It just makes life that much less complicated having easy veggie protein :).
  • The fact that teaching makes time fly.
  • The kids' songs CDs I got for Christmas. Perfect.
  • Being able to laugh at my mistakes. Like when I kicked the table holding the CD player and it stopped in the middle of "I've got joy like a fountain". What can I say? My fountain pose was a little too enthusiastic. lol
  • Having pre-kindergarten kids understand my stories and learn new words.
  • I got to talk to my boyfriend for over 2 weeks. Pure happiness.
  • Having to eat slowly. I have this wisdom tooth coming that is putting me through a lot of grief. However, since it hurts to open my mouth wide, I have to eat in really little bites. I've always been a fast eater. Eating slowly is peaceful and better for my body.
  • Having 50 beautiful minutes to eat my lunch away from all the many students.
  • Singing, and the awesome fact that singing to Kadian is like investing in a ipod, because she has a knack for picking up songs (even if she doesn't want to) and sings often :).
  • Finally learning how to say "be kind" in Spanish. So useful.
  • The fact that I'm only tutoring for a few more days...Ahhh.
  • Wednesday is already over. It's my longest school day. I have 7 classes and assist for 3. Refer a few reasons up to my blessed lunch time.
  • Trying to think optimistically. 
  • Not spending too much time on Facebook.
  • Writing.

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