Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Mix of Memories

Seriously. Another knife down.

Mm. Lime. What? We were out of fruit.

So after reading about Rachel's paper chain for every week left in Peru, we decided to make our own. Twenty-two more Sabbaths! Yikes kinda looks like a lot.

Hopefully the Bible verses we wrote on them will help encourage us through the remaining half of our time here.

Today: Me, frantically flailing about, "Oh my goodness! There's something RED in the washing machine!" Hey, we were doing a load of what was supposed to be all black clothes. I thought that something had been stained red and was coming out like food coloring or blood into the water. Kadian, "That's my orange shirt! Fine, I'll wash it by hand." Goes off about how whatever I "et" (that's how Jamaicans say "ate") today is making me crazy and won't listen to me about how it's okay for her orange shirt to be in with all our black pants.
I threw the shirt back in the wash.

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