Friday, January 7, 2011

Hellooo, Friday.

I stayed up until midnight getting caught up on lessons plans last night. After all, today is Friday. Being sleepy of Friday is tolerable and usually more preferable than feeling overwhelmed about the weekend. Thus, I slept in until 5:30 when I finally managed to roll of bed with a prayer and a good dose of self-discipline. After getting ready, I sleepily sauntered into the kitchen to eat breakfast. Due to the blessed amount of cereal we got for Christmas--I even had choices. I decided on Rice Chex with some banana and soy milk (also a Christmas present! My mom is great). All was well until I went to the dish drainer to get a clean spoon.

A big antennae twitching cockroach awaited me! AHHHHH. My insides screamed. Fight or flight took over. I knew what I had to do, but I really oh so didn't want to do it. Honest, I have become good at killing bugs. Spider, ants, mosquitoes and the like; however, the crunch of the cockroach still leaves me in absolute dread. Somehow I moved my hand for the soap bottle and attempted to smash it. No luck. You see, our nice Palmolive soap bottle has a concave bottom. After a few more frantic failed flails, my nemesis took cover in the strainer part of the sink (that part that strains out food so it doesn't go down your drain...the food sitting in there was probably the reason the little monster showed up). I found an old jelly jar, examined the bottom of it, and decided it was going to have to work. The cockroach carefully emerged from the strainer, and I took action. Failure #4. I finally got it with one last jab. Once I knew it had been severed, I couldn't bear to make sure it was dead or even think of cleaning it out of the sink. I left the kitchen whimpering and quite shaken up about the whole ordeal.

Kadian had heard me, so she came out of her room to see if I was alright. I told her what had happened. She couldn't deal with it either and said we'd leave if for the girls. A little later I heard Cia out in the kitchen. I went to warn her about the cockroach. She couldn't deal with it either. Apparently, it was still writhing around. *gag!* I haven't ventured near the sink since this morning. I can deal with killing bugs, but cockroaches (and centipedes) still really get to me. We have only see about 3 cockroaches in our house since we came, so I haven't had to get used to them. We keep our house so clean; I hoped they would never find a reason to visit. I can't wait to have a man in the house someday. It's not that I can't kill bugs, but I would really to have someone else do it for me.

Somehow I managed to finish my breakfast. At 6:40am, Kadian and I were out the door for school. We just turned the corner (about 30 seconds from our house) when I remember the butterscotch blondies I was supposed to remind her about. I had remembered them before the cockroach drama, but early morning bug encounters do not set well with me. We hurried back home to pick them up. They're left-over from Christmas baking, and with all the other sugar in the house, they needed to go. Luckily, Kadian's students were more than happy to help. We were really lucky and got a ride with Miss Roxanne and her family. I made it through first period--1-3 grade chapel--and then I went to collapse in the teacher room for my beautiful Friday morning free period.

I quickly settled into the coach and tried to sleep. However, something about Maranatha that doesn't take long to figure out is the teacher like to talk. When I say talk, I mean full out almost shouting, laughing, teasing, clapping, very full of emotion kind of chit chat. It's great and really entertaining sometimes...but I wanted to sleep. Despite all the noise, I drifted off and started dreaming about baking vegan brownies at school in the teacher room that suddenly had a super awesome kitchen and I kept worrying about being late to assist Miss Joline. I need to work on my creativity. When I woke up, it was 9am--and I was a half an hour late! I got up, grabbed my things, and somehow made it all the way to the first grade room without stumbling. I had sleep lines from the coach all over my face. Thankfully Miss Joline was very understanding.

The rest of the day passed without too much eventfulness. My last class was kind of hectic, because 1. No one really wants to be at school last period Friday afternoon 2. Having 27 students all around the age of 6, often by myself, is slightly overwhelming, and 3. There was a pinata party going on right outside the window for the second day in a row. These kids go absolutely nuts when they see a pinata. So not much was accomplished today, but no one got hurt--wait no, that's not true. *sigh* The violence of some of my students really hurts me. I guess I can blame it on the bad TV shows, video games, or bad examples they are exposed to. But that still doesn't make it easier to deal with, especially when I'm sleepy. Teaching preschoolers, I have to be brimming with enthusiasm or they can tell. They sense disinterest the moment the bounce leaves my step. If I don't get enough sleep, I cannot be a good teacher.

We were stuck at the school until 3pm instead of our usual 2:45pm, because of a new rule. Here's what I think: the teachers that were leaving before 2:45 are not going to care about a new rule that says we have to stay until 3. So really, the rule is just keeping the rule following teachers here an extra 15 minutes of our lives. But alas, I can't blame them for trying. We all sat on the coaches, utterly exhausted. Makes me tired just remembering it. We trudged home where I sat on my bed for about an hour in a computer coma. Kadian and Cia checked on the cockroach in the sink situation--some ants had started eating it. Lovely. Kadian was a brave soul and cleaned up the mess. I think it's safe to go near the sink now--I did hear Cia washing dishes--but I have yet to venture back.

Then I realized I was still wearing my awful salmon colored polo shirt and slightly too large blank pants. Quickly changing, I decided I should go out and buy shampoo. But then I heard Kadian say she was going to the mall. I asked if she was taking a taxi. When she said yes, I was in. Not that I mind walking 20 minutes...but today is Friday. We had an awesome time exploring Del Corral (the biggest grocery store in Comayagua). We found wheat flour and bread, two things that Jumbo has been sorely missing. Plus, she treated herself to elephant ears and I splurged on Funyuns. It's funny how therapeutic a trip to the grocery store and a couple taxi rides can be. Hoy es viernes. Gracias a Dios. How is it only 7 o'clock?

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