Thursday, January 20, 2011


  • Last week a fifth grader told me that she needed to leave the class to buy cookies. I abruptly retorted that no one needs cookies, they simply want them. Then I immediately argued with myself, 'No, that's not true. Sometimes I do need a cookie!' Poor girl. 
  • You know what's really gross? Giving a little kid a high five and coming back with a giant bugger in your hand. It's happened. Twice. They just get so excited about a high fives... 
  •  Earlier this week, a little boy named Jose David bit me on the thigh. All of the other pre-k kids were surrounding me with loving goodbye hugs. He had other intentions. I think he has it in for me. For the record, I now have a tiny little tooth mark bruise.
  •  When I find ants on my food now, I usually just knock them off and keep eating. 
  •  I'm starting to forget the differences between America and Honduras.
  •  Today when I walked into class, two of my prepa girls, Ester and Ale, crowned me with one of those silver bejeweled little girl crowns. I knelt down and everything. It was a moment. Best part: I wore the crown for the next couple hours. My students kept pointing and saying, "Miss Emily, beautiful!"
  •  Confession: I just remembered I have Spanish homework for my lesson tomorrow. Ugh...I am so unmotivated. I'm not sure what it is, but I am having a really hard time caring about learning Spanish. I feel like school takes my energy and anything else I do has to be either vital or fun. Spanish falls somewhere in the middle, not completely necessary and not all fun and games either.
  •  I think Spanish reggaeton is the best work out music. You should try it sometime.
  •  Yogurt is really unappetizing after being mostly vegan for so long. That makes me a little sad.
  • I decided I'm buying myself a flower for every month-anniversary that Steven and I have until I'm back home. Even though months aren't quite such a big deal after a year, it's still something to look forward to. I only have four more flowers to buy :).
  • This week we got a new student from the US. He told me that his mom went back to the States, and his dad went on a plane to somewhere else. He's living with his "abuelita", one of the few Spanish words he knows. It's refreshing to have a kid that understands English in the class. However, today I about fell over when he asked, "What's love?" after we prayed. Thinking that he was asking about the prayer, I told him that we were thanking God for His love. Then he asked, "What's God?" I keep going over it in my mind, and it's so hard for me to fathom. Being six years old and never knowing about God. It's great to have a student that understands everything I say. Honestly, I feel like my job just got a whole lot bigger. Please pray for me.

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